"Normalize talking about leaving."
Lived experiences with unplanned absences, departures, and transitions of critical organizational leaders (e.g., Executive Director/CEO, COO, CPO, CFO, CDO) piqued my interest in succession planning. These experiences, accompanied by extensive research, guided me to simplify the assembly of a succession plan using a design sprint framework (i.e., problem-solving or product creation takes place quickly with intensive collaboration, designing, and prototyping over a short, focused period). There are two offerings for Succession Planning engagements with us.
The organization's stakeholders work with the VESTEDin™ Consulting Group team over an 8-10-week period to develop a shared understanding of strategies to employ when there's a long-term absence, departure, or transition in critical leadership roles.
Stakeholders identify positions that are critical to organizational success based upon the organization's aspirational vision and goals, determine how to satisfy future skill requirements, develop internal talent to build a pipeline of candidates, define the optimal mix of internal promotions and external recruitment to fill vacant leadership positions and prepare a vital information inventory to retain institutional knowledge.
The Cohort period begins with a board survey. Then there are two half-day intensive workshops where succession strategies are electronically documented. Finally, there is an optional coaching session for each participating organization. Over this three-phased Cohort period, the nonprofits deliver an executable SUCCESSion ROADMAP™.
This electronic guide contains vital organizational information and strategies to continue business as usual during expected or unexpected absences or departures. "Be ready, so you don't have to get ready!"
Strategies included in the Document
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